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Trump Administration’s Leaked Emails Reveal Chilling Communist Plan for America

Published on 2019-02-14 23:49 by infoSTRIKES!

Leaked emails from top Trump administration officials this week reveal a nefarious plot by communists for world domination through the Trump administration. The emails implicate over half of Trump’s cabinet members and his family in a plan to restore the USSR to its pre-1989 borders and government. Additionally, a shadow government akin to the Soviet regime would be established to supplant the existing US government. It remains unclear whether Donald Trump himself is aware of the extent of this scheme.

When contacted for an interview, Trump stated, “There is no replacement for the United States of America!”, further muddying the waters on the scope of the plan and his involvement. It appears that cabinet members involved in the discussions have been openly emailing about the plan, which Trump has reportedly read, yet the specifics seem to have evaded his understanding. This may be a deliberate tactic to shield him from implication while keeping him ostensibly informed.

Amidst rising concerns over groups like Antifa, many Americans have feared a communist insurgency within the US. The leaked emails suggest that these fears, though misattributed, may indeed have some validity. Furthermore, revelations have surfaced linking Alex Jones to the infamous M.K. Ultra experiments, where he allegedly became an agent for the CIA, spreading deliberate misinformation.

Insurgents within the administration have carefully crafted their public rhetoric, embedding coded messages within speeches and communications. Experts are currently deciphering these signals, hidden within seemingly innocuous statements found in speeches, tweets, and emails.

Already, several of these coded talking points have been identified—phrases that appear benign on the surface but hold hidden meanings. Researchers are actively unraveling these cryptic communications to better understand their implications.

Written by infoSTRIKES!

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